Pastor Weda Prosper, our faithful leader in Burkina Faso

Pastor Weda Prosper, our faithful leader in Burkina Faso

New mother with blanket

New mother with blanket

Well Drlling

Drilling well in Burkino Faso

weigh in

Checking weight at clinic

doctor sheila morehouse and friend

Doctor Morehouse and Friend

General Ministries

The foundation provides financial support for basic human needs ministries, such as:

Well drilling and feeding programs. FWA has supported the drilling of fresh-water wells in areas of Burkina Faso where women had been carrying unsanitary water for miles;

Provision of pulse oximeters;

Roll bandages for wound dressing material;

Handmade baby blankets for newborns;

Regularly Updated Medical, Pediatric, Surgical and OB protocols for volunteers;

During the Covid crisis, FWA helped to feed 80 needy families in the city of Ouagadougou, by providing 55 pounds of rice to each family. A local church handled the distribution with great love and encouragement;

Paying medical bills for indigent patients without National Health Insurance.